Die Massage wirkte nicht professionell, obwohl May wirklich sehr nett war. Alles ging zu schnell und sie schien die Triggerpoints nicht zu kennen.
Behandelt von May•Entspannungsmassage
Lampert•vor 7 Monaten
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We had booked 2 treatments at 13.30, when we reached the spa reception- the lady said she the system says 1 treatment at 13.30 and other at 15.00. We showed them on our phone and they said sorry it is a system error. She forced us in one cramped room with two massage tables.
The light was very bright and staring in my face. I asked to reduce the light, she said not possible. The room air con was not functional, a male technician entered while my massage was on, this is unacceptable to me.
Shweta•vor 7 Monaten
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Wie immer absolut großartig
Behandelt von Agnes•Entspannungsmassage
Claudia•vor 8 Monaten
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Behandelt von Agnes•Tiefengewebsmassage
Simone•vor 8 Monaten
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sehr sympathische Masseurin. und ihre Kollegin war ebenfalls sehr hilfsbereit.
Behandelt von Agnes•Schulter-, Rücken- & Nackenmassage