Sebile - by Udo Walz Bewertungen

Knesebeckstraße 68, 10623 Berlin, Charlottenburg

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Leider sind meine Haare trotz Haarspray und Gel nach dem Föhnen aufgeladen zu 200 Prozent... da ich sonst immer sehr zufrieden bin, kann ich mir nicht erklären, wie das passieren konnte... 😞
Es wurde sehr viel Zeit für mich genommen, was ich gut fand.
Meine Friseurin war sehr nett und hat mich super beraten. Gerne wieder!
Warning... very very bad. I have never had the need to actually write a bad review but this was one experience I could not ignore. First of all I was spoken to very rudely by the actual owner for being a few minutes late despite the fact that I called the number that was on my appointment but no one answered. Sebile explained in an unfriendly manner that what I had booked online would not work for my hair so I would have to pay an extra €60 to have highlights instead. At this point I was still trusting her judgement and said that I would go with her recommendation. I brought along a photo of the colour and cut I wanted. The cut was in fact no different to what my hair already was she just had to shorten it a litttle bit. She started to put the highlights in my hair and I honestly felt like I was being physically abused. I had the feeling she was still annoyed for me being a few minutes late so I explained that I did try and call and that I even took a taxi so that I would not be even later. Unfortunately it didn’t change her very rough manner. The colour was left in for 25 minutes, she looked at it once and put the timer on for a further 10 minutes. After the extra 10 minutes she didn’t come back so I signalled her assistant and she asked Sebile if she should rinse me out. She said yes but did not check my hair. At this point I sat an extra 15 minutes. When I got back of my seat I waited and waited.As it began to dry I started to see that the colour was very white and not blonde. This was absolutely nothing like the photo I showed her, in fact it looked grey which is fine if that’s what you want. As it wasn’t completely dry I decided to be patient and wait . Sebile finally came back and started to cut my hair she didn’t ask any more questions so I figured she understood that it would be shorter at the back and longer in the front like on the picture and like my hair was already . She cut in such a ferocious manner that at one point I said it looked like she’s cutting a lot off . She said it only looks like that. It all happened so fast and there was something inside me just praying that she knew what she was doing. So to cut a sad and disastrous hair story short she cut so much of my hair off and in the end it was completely the opposite to what I wanted, now it was long at the back and short at the front . She layered it severely and did not take into consideration that my hair is very fine so it looked liked a grey fluffy hairdo. The other hairdresser blowdried my hair and managed to make my hair look like Angela Merkel. At this point I have to say that judging by the clothes I was wearing ,the shoes and the bag it was clear this was not my style. So in the end I have a disastrous haircut which I can’t do anything about except wait till it grows out and cold ash blonde grey hair instead of a warm blonde which is what I actually wanted. For that and the unfriendly service plus the rough handling I paid €170 . Prior to this nightmare I was going to Vidal Sasson but as my hairdresser left so I decided to try another place. Sebile cleverly uses the name of Udo Waltz, but I honestly do not know how this woman was allowed to graduate from hairdressing school. She has neither the skill for cutting nor colouring and certainly does not have any people skills what so ever. I observed how she spoke with the other customers and it was something like a Russian matron speaking to a group of very stupid children. I can certainly recommend anybody who cares about their hair NOT to visit this place. I told Sebill there and then that I was very unhappy with the colour and that it was a cold ash blonde and not what I wanted. In fairness she did offer to put something in which she said would make it “yellow” . I tried to explain to her I did not want yellow hair .... In the end I decided to decline her offer to put or even touch my hair again and just let nature take care of it. Thank goodness Biat grows and it’s not the end of the world but it sure was a lot of money to give out for everything you did not want.