Schnittstelle - Kreuzberg - Aveda Lifestylesalon Bewertungen

Bergmannstraße 108, 10961 Berlin, Kreuzberg

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Geschrieben von unseren Kunden, damit du weißt, was dich in jedem Salon erwartet.
Always a pleasure to get a fresh haircut from Franco.
Sehr lieber Service und bin super zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis.
Best haircut I have received in all my years in Berlin. Staff is super friendly and are actually listening to your wishes and expectations. Highly recommend.
Esra war meine Stylistin und sie ist prima. Cool und herzlich, locker und gekonnt, interessiert und die Distanz wahrend. Die Beratung war top und das Ergebnis besser als vorgestellt.
I remember paying 25€ for the exact same service a few years ago. 100% exactly the same service, even the hairdresser was the same person. Now it‘s 41€. If the price raises one more time, I‘m out. I think you should at least set the price back to 37€ (which is already fairly high) but I could round up to 40€ with a tip... now I don‘t really want to tip anymore, even if my hairdresser really deserves it every time! Seriously Schnittstelle, chill down with the price, we‘re in Berlin...