Quiet please .. - Head Spa Massage & Keratin Studio Bewertungen

Almstadtstraße 43 (Eck-Studio), Berlin-Mitte, 10119 Berlin

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Geschrieben von unseren Kunden, damit du weißt, was dich in jedem Salon erwartet.
Alles perfekt, Nika macht eine ganz tolle Arbeit in ihrem besonderen Spa. Man fühlt sich sehr wohl und umsorgt!
amazing experience , extremely happy with the result !!
I booked a reconstruction treatment with Nika. The experiences was truly amazing. Firstly the location and space were absolutely elegant and stylish. So much attention to detail in the interior and such a peaceful and calm atmosphere. My treatment was specific for my hair type and I had a reconstruction using collagen and other hair nutrients. I am sooo happy with the result, it's shiny, and totally manageable now. I love it so much , thank you Nika.