Pink Nails & Spa Bewertungen

Tucholskystraße 15, 10117 Berlin, Mitte

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60 Bewertungen

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Die Nägel sehen toll aus. Danke
The ambiance of the salon was sub par at best. Harsh lighting, poor decorations and no music made the salon feel awkward and not the relaxing expereince you expect from a salon. The salon staff did not communicate with us much, whether that was due to language barriers or not, I beleive it is still possible be friendly and offer smiling and other friendly gestures, which they did not. However, they were thorough with their service, the pedicure took almost a full hour, and another 30 min at least for the gel manicure. After two weeks my finger nails only have minimal chipping, and toes are still perfectly intact. I had a Treatwell code for booking this and only paid €35 for both gel mani and pedi, which was ok for me. Without the code it would have been €55. For that higher price, I would not recommend.
Es war ein angenehmer Besuch!
Unhygienisch, Zehennägel liegen herum, Finger- und Fußabdrücke zu sehen (mangelnde Hygiene). Bemühtes Personal aber aufgrund von Verständigungsschwierigkeiten harscher Ton.
Gute Massage, nette Kollegin. Leider gab's ein Misgeschick mit einer Dampfmaschine und ich bin am Anfang der Massage mit heißem Wasser geschüttelt was echt weh tat! Wenn das nicht passiert wäre wäre es einen 5 Sterne Besuch.