Paulsborner Straße 93, 10709 Berlin

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Zum zweiten Mal da gewesen und wieder sehr zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis. Absolute Empfehlung!
Wie immer ein Traum. Julja ist für mich ausnahmslos die beste auf ihrem Gebiet und die sympathischste Kosmetikerin. Seit mehr als einem Jahr treue Kundin :)
War ok....
Bin so begeistert vom Ergebnis des wimpernliftings 😍
The salon is very nice and Katia was really sweet. Unfortunately as My german is limited and her English non existent was difficult to understand what she was actually putting on my face and to communicate with her. The session went well although I was surprised that she didn’t put any numbing cream on my face prior to the treatment so it was quite painful till I asked her to put the pen at a lower power. The microneedling was followed by a light machine that was quite nice despite the fact that I have no idea what it was as again, communication issues. Last thing was that I was given no cream post treatment, and my face being quite red (felt like a bad sunburn) I was a bit preoccupied of how to calm and soothe my skin. She offered that I buy a moisturizer with pdf 30, but It cost 53€ and I already have a good one home so I declined. Katia told me I would be redish for 24h, turns out I must have pretty sensitive skin, Now on day 3 I am still pinky-red and my skin looks irritated. I guess it depends on éach person, and From what I read can take up to 7 days to heal, so I’ll have to wait and see ;)