I had the neck shoulder massage treatment with Clemens, and it was incredible. The pressure was firm, but exactly how I liked it. He knew precisely the areas that needed attending and was very attentive to how I reacted and adjusted the pressure accordingly. He left me as a new person, completely fixed me, neck pain gone, relaxed, felt so much lighter. Thank you Clemens! It’s the best massage I’ve had in Berlin. Highly recommend him.
Behandelt von Clemens Santüns•Tiefengewebsmassage
Gloria•vor mehr als 1 Jahr
Clemens Santüns hat sich sehr viel Zeit genommen und ist sehr auf meine Bedürnisse eingegangen. Meine Besschwerden waren danach schon viel besser und in den darauffolgenden Tagen komplett verschwunden.
Behandelt von Clemens Santüns•Tiefengewebsmassage
Jaqueline•vor mehr als 1 Jahr
It was the first time I went to this practice because I’m pregnant, stressed and sore and was just hoping for a nice massage to relax a bit. It ended up being the best thing I did. I had such a therapeutic session with Clemens Santüns. He is incredibly soothing and knows exactly what he is doing. Five stars. Still feel great several days later.