Amazing as always! Tatsuro’s the best hairdresser I’ve ever had, always love to come back!
Gestylt von Tatsuro•Herrenhaarschnitt
Nam•vor 7 Monaten
Immer wieder top! Der beste Friseur, den ich je hatte.
Gestylt von Tatsuji Saito•Herrenhaarschnitt
Fabian•vor 7 Monaten
Sehr gut!
Gestylt von Ryu•Damenhaarschnitt
ES•vor 7 Monaten
Ryu is so great, he is communicative but also into details. After our consultation, I told him what I expected with a picture. He gave me a very good surprise and I love it so much. Besdies, he was also willing to share some japanese culture with me, when I was curious and asked. I am grateful that he was willing to share and was kind! Thank you!