Joris Camelin Massage Bewertungen

Raumerstraße 31,, 10437 Prenzlauerberg, Buzzer: Praxis Dietrich, 10437 Berlin

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Geschrieben von unseren Kunden, damit du weißt, was dich in jedem Salon erwartet.
Joris ist sehr professionell, herzlich und nach seiner Behandlung fühlt man sich wirklich offener und entspannter! Ich kann es nur empfehlen!
Really calm and relaxing space. A massage with Joris is a proper moment of care. I always feel centered and grounded the following days.
Finding a good massage therapist is really not easy. There are only few that will handle your body in such a manner that its impact will last much much longer. For me Joris belongs in that group of few. From the first moment I felt very relaxed, welcomed and respected, even before the treatment began. It feels like he puts 200% of attention when he give you a massage, being super attentive to my needs and pains. I truly appreciate his practice and I highly recommend you to enjoy it, too!