The best barber I have ever tried! Fantastic service and styling advice. I definitely recommend it
Gestylt von Daly •Styling & Föhnen
Duc Anh Nguyen•vor mehr als 2 Jahren
Super Service, Lasen macht einen schönen Eindruck, super Beratung Alles top
Gestylt von Daly •Styling & Föhnen
Anonym•vor mehr als 2 Jahren
Nett! Es wurde sich viel Zeit genommen :)
Gestylt von DuDu •Damenhaarschnitt
Anonym•vor mehr als 2 Jahren
I’ve been cutting my hair with Dai for almost 2 years, every 2 weeks, I would definitely recommend this place for a professional and consistent fresh haircut, it’s sometimes very difficult to find a place where they know how to do a proper fade without a marking line in the sides as most of the haircuts for men, I used to have the problem in other places that every time I was saying “short” they immediately start doing a line line in both sides. If you want a proper fade please come here