Glowy Beauty Bar - Mitte Bewertungen

Rochstraße 17, 10178 Berlin, Mitte

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Geschrieben von unseren Kunden, damit du weißt, was dich in jedem Salon erwartet.
Bin zufrieden. Komme wieder.
Worst manikur I ever had. The 1h job took the lady actually 30 min. Including preparing the nails and putting the nailpolish on them. The cuticles were removed mechanically by the nail drill (i could never imagine you can use it for the sensitive skin). My nails are just damaged and the nailpolish looks super sloppy. They are three layers of the nailpolish but the whole look is very uneven and the ending is just horrible. Maybe the cosmetician did it for the first time in her life, but then why 30 min job?
Sehr sympathisch, tolles Ambiente, saubere Umgebung, wunderbares Ergebnis.
Super Mitarbeiter und saubere Arbeit.
Nette Atmosphäre und nettes Personal