Glowy Beauty Bar - Mitte Bewertungen

Rochstraße 17, 10178 Berlin, Mitte

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- I booked Basic Manicure - gel. She refused to do the manicure I had to convince her for the service I already booked and paid for from treatwell.. - She used the machine on the maximum I felt pain and hot crushing surface on my nail I had to stop and kept myself very hard to cry from the pain. - She also rasped my nail so deep two of my fingers are extremely sensitive to water or anything and they bleed. - I wanted square with little bit round edges. At the end I had cat look edgy tips. I asked for rounding them, as a result I have very short and no model nails that I can't stand looking my own hands. - I wish after all this gel polish would be fine. It's apparently durable but It's so thick and chunky I feel like I'm carrying plastic extension nails.
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great location and service but always big delays..
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Ich war zur Pediküre in der Glowy Beauty Bar und bin mit der Behandlung und dem Ergebnis sehr zufrieden. Ich komme wieder!
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Alles in allem zufrieden.
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Tip top, vielen Dank!
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