Effy Nails Bewertungen

Sonnenallee 172, Klingel/Buzzer: Hype Filter, 12059 Berlin, Neukölln

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307 Bewertungen

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Wonderful as always - will be back :D
Rachel is super nice and takes great care of your nails, the studio is cozy and on top of all of this she is really nice, I've definitely recommend her!
Very satisfied. Thanks Rachel!
Rachel does everything to make you feel good ⭐️
My idea for the manicure was "tequila sunrise" and we were totally on the same wave length. Effy was absolutely professional, friendly and lovely and I felt very well cared for. She gave me beautiful nails which gradually changed from pink to orange with a little touch of sparkle at the base. I can't stop staring at them and have received many compliments. I am already looking forward to my next visit. Thanks Effy!