Daen & Lou's Hair Studio Neukölln Bewertungen

Sonnenallee 127, 12059 Berlin, Neukölln

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Bin wie immer äußerst zufrieden!
Alles Bestens!!!
Don't go there, really. It hurts me to say that because the people were very nice but I cannot believe they know what they are doing. For the first time in my life, I had to shave my hair myself after because it was so terrible and I felt so shameful: the hair on the top of my head were not even cut evenly (they were twice as long on one side) and the shaver they used left me big red marks on my neck... If you're planning to save a few euros, I'd rather recommend cutting your hair by yourself: I have no experience and my results are far better than theirs.
super - gerne wieder! Empfehlenswert!!!