Ayurvedische Gesichtsmassage mit Mallika

Ōsmos Studio, Okerstraße 38,, Berlin
Geöffnet Heute: 10:00 - 20:00

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Geschrieben von unseren Kunden, damit du weißt, was dich in jedem Salon erwartet.
Tolle Atmosphäre und sehr entspannte Massage.
Thank you for your Time! I enjoyed it a lot
It was a wonderful experience. Mallika has a warm and calm presence and is very skilled and caring. What a wonderful way to start the year. I will definetly book again.
Very nice face massage
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Welcome to Ayurvedic Face Massage Berlin. My mission is to provide a relaxing and therapeutic experience using the ancient science of Ayurvedic massage. In Ayurveda, massage is an essential part of our wellbeing - as much as eating healthy is. The reason I believe that face massages are an integral part of self-care is not only because it tones and lifts facial muscles, but it also works on relaxing organs in our body, aids in digestion and relaxes our nervous system. Other benefits include: - Lymphatic drainage. - Relieves tension that we hold in the jaw, neck and head. - Stimulate energy points that are connected to organs in the body, allowing the entire body to relax, detox and rejuvenate. - Improves circulation in the body. -Toxins stored in stiff muscles are released. When practiced at least once a week, you will notice more toned and lifted facial muscles as well as a relaxed body. The entire system of Ayurvedic healing relates to three body types- Vata, Pitta and Kapha. After asking you some questions to understand your body temperaments (this is optional) - what your energy levels are like, if you have dry/oily skin, how is your digestion- the suitable oil is chosen with which your face will be massaged. For best results, it is recommended to receive this treatment once a week. Please be aware that there might be a little oil remaining in your hair after the treatment. People with the following symptoms should avoid the face massage. Skin conditions (Cuts/abrasions, bruising/swelling, sunburn, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis) Sinusitis or fever/flu




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Ayurvedische Gesichtsmassage mit Mallika
Ōsmos Studio, Okerstraße 38,


Um das Studio zu betreten, betreten Sie bitte das Hauptgebäude und gehen Sie bis zum Hintergebäude. Auf der rechten Seite sehen Sie eine Treppe mit einem Schild mit der Aufschrift „Original Feelings“. Sie finden uns im dritten Stock. Sobald Sie das Original Feelings Studio in Kreuzberg betreten, können Sie den hektischen Alltag hinter sich lassen und sich ganz in die Hände des professionellen Teams begeben. Massage, Rebalancing und Wellness – tun Sie Ihrem Körper und Ihrer Seele etwas Gutes. Nächste öffentliche Verkehrsmittel Die Praxis ist gut erreichbar, da sie in der Nähe der U-Bahn-Station Schonleinestrasse liegt, die nur fünf Gehminuten entfernt ist. Das Team Mallika kümmert sich persönlich um ihre Kunden und sorgt dafür, dass sie sich wohl und entspannt fühlen. Ihre Leidenschaft für das Wohlbefinden der Menschen führte sie dazu, sich auf ayurvedische Massagen zu spezialisieren. Hier wird Englisch gesprochen. Was uns am Salon gefällt Atmosphäre: Entspannend, beruhigend, beruhigend. Expertise: Ayurveda-Massage.

To enter the studio: please enter the main building and walk all the way to the back building. you will see a staircase on the right hand side, with a sign that reads 'Original Feelings. You will find us on the third floor.

As soon as you enter the Original Feelings Studio in Kreuzberg, you can leave the hectic everyday life behind you and put yourself entirely in the hands of the professional team. Massage, rebalancing and wellness – do something good for your body and soul.

Nearest public transport

The practice is easily accessible as it is located near the Schonleinestrasse subway station, which is just a five-minute walk away.

The team

Mallika takes personal care of her clients and makes them feel comfortable and relaxed. Her passion for people's well-being led her to specialize in Ayurvedic massages. English is spoken here.

What we like about the salon

Atmosphere: Relaxing, soothing, calming.

Expertise: Ayurvedic massage..


Massagestudios in der Nähe