Super Friseur! Genau so hatte ich mir den Schnitt gewünscht. Gehe gerne wieder hin.
Julia •vor etwa 8 Jahren
Super kompetent, gute Qualität.
Anonym•vor etwa 8 Jahren
Alles war wunderbar.
Gestylt von Ayhan Isik
Anonym•vor etwa 8 Jahren
I chose the salon based on reviews and i chose well. I wasnt expecting anything fancy, so it worked out very well for me. Hicham Alhomsi was my stylist and I was immediately greeted and offered something to drink. he asked me what I wanted and confirmed and went to wash my hair. He went straight to work and did exactly as I asked. Keep it long and only cut the minimum dead ends off. He was super fast and efficient and blow dried my hair very nicely. Im not so into chit chat and dont normally have too much time, so it was perfect for my life. Will def go back.
scarlett•vor etwa 8 Jahren
Ich war zum Schneiden und Fönen und war insgesamt sehr zufrieden.